Denne blogen /This blog

Denne blogen er Amanda 6år sin blog. Her vil ho vise sine kort og andre kreative ting ho vil ha på internett. Upassande komentarer vil ikkje bli publisert. Amanda bestemmer sjøl ka ho vil legge ut i blogen og mamma berre hjelper ho.

This blog is Amanda 6 years blog. She wants to show her cards and other careative stuff she want's to put up here. Unsuitable comments will not be published. Amanda desides for herself what she wants to post and mommy is only helping her.

Takk for at du forstår/Thank you for understanding

onsdag 15. februar 2012

Kid's card Swap

This is Amanda's card for the SC Kid's Card Swap ,
hope her new friend will like it ♥

4 kommentarer:

  1. Wow, this is stunning, I know she will love it, its divine, hugz Kenzi :-) xx

  2. Oh wow Amanda your card is beautiful sweetie, it's so pretty and your colouring is just perfect :)
    hugs Mandy xx

  3. what a sweet card, love your coloring!!


  4. For et flott kort, så vakkert motiv og kjempefine detaljer. :)

    Klem, Anne.
